Dutch Capital, We are founders, We ♥ entrepreneurs, We support online growth

Creating value together

We invest in European Internet companies, supporting them to become leading international players. Our investment sweet spot is software-as-a-service (SaaS) companies with a proven revenue model. We seek entrepreneurs who share our passion for growth and innovation, and business ideas with the potential to transform important markets and build large and valuable companies.

Industry focus

Our diverse team brings experience in technology sectors ranging from fintech to cloud to marketplaces and online commerce. To a person, we're excited about the way that technology is changing the world in which we live, work and play — and about turning potentially disruptive ideas and technologies in successful businesses.


The overall theme we like within FinTech is the “disintermediation of banks". Ranging from financial services to payments, loans, stock management and P2P currency trading.


Successful online consumer and commercial marketplaces account for more than €1 trillion in public market valuation combined. As investors, we believe that the best business model ever conceived could be the marketplace model.

Cloud / SaaS

Industry-specific cloud software companies don’t get as much attention as their horizontal brethren like Salesforce or Workday. Why? It’s been assumed that the markets they serve are simply too small and sleepy. We think that’s misguided.


We believe commerce is driven by the changing behaviour of consumers. This ever changing environment is a sustainable long-term business.


We seed invest in European Internet companies, supporting them to become leading international players. Our investment sweet spot is software-as-a-service (SaaS) companies with a proven revenue model. Investment size: €300k-2M per company over the life of the company. Initial check size ranges from a few hundred thousand to $1M. Investments we did: Hotel guest app and in Carnavalskleding.



We are a supporter for growth. We are founders that have sold companies. We understand what it is to scale a company from 10 to 50 employees and know how it feels when a board is slow and doesn’t understand the figures. We are founders, we are different.


We invest in companies with pioneers we believe in. We know how important it is to hire the right people in order to scale. As a investor we will help to attract talent by investing time in selecting the right people. Together we are smarter.


Our network covers all major software markets in the world and we are happy to introduce you to anyone we know.


Every success needs to be celebrated is our experience. We'd love to fund company party's, don't forget to invite us.

Looking for fresh capital and a partner for growth?

If you think we might be the right partner for you, please contact us through any of the channels below. Feel free sent us your (teaser) deck. We'll get back to you the same day!


Jacob van Lennepkade 21-2, 1054ZE, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

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